How to Design Your Own uniform with Aceits DYO Online Kit Builder

Aceit offers a ‘Design Your Own’ online uniform builder for sportwear, an essential tool for teams looking to have full control over their unform design, and an easy way for a group of people to collaborate on ideas before sending the final design to print.


Wait, is it free to use the design your own online feature?

Yes, it’s completely free! Once you’ve designed your uniform there’s no payment needed, this is a free online tool for you to use.


What happens once I’ve designed it?

You’ll be taken to this screen shown below where you have the option to email the final kit to your team, print it out or email Aceit for a printing quote.


I have my own completely unique design – do I still use the design your own tool?

No need, you’ve already done the hard work! Email us directly with your design and order amount and we’ll get a give you a quote.

Once I'm in the tool, how do I customise my uniform?

So once you've selected the garment you want to customise, you'll select the 'customisation' tab - from here you'll have a range of colours to change depending on the garment you've chosen. 

Once you have your colours picked, you can move onto the next tab 'Logos & Sponsors'. This is where you can upload your images and place them in the appropriate locations (this will depend on your garment). Please note: Your logo needs to be high resolution for print application. Check our print requirements guide for assistance. If you don't think your logo will be high quality, send through your enquiry and our arts department can assist you. 


In the red circle, you can see that I've placed the Aceit logo on the shirt, using the arrow button in the corner, I can resize the logo as big or little as needed. I can move the logo around by click and dragging it, I can rotate it with the circular buttons on the corners, and I can also select the garbage can to delete the logo off the shirt. This gives total freedom to control your design and how it looks on your uniform.

Now that you have your logos, you can move onto 'Names and numbers'. Select the plus sign and you can enter your name details, it will automatically show you what the name will look like and just like when placing a logo you can move and resize the placement. Repeat the steps with your number and you're done! Select finished and either request a quote, print or email your finished design. 


Something not looking quite right? 

If you've finished your design and something doesn't look right or your your logo needs tweeking we have a talented team of graphic designers who can assist you. Just send through your enquiry and we can work with you to finalise your design. 


Ready to Design Your Own? Start Here.


Still have questions? 

Our team are happy to assist you. Email us at for any other enquiries.